Uniting Souls presents DIGGIN' DEEP
Every last Saturday at Monkey Loft, featuring local, regional and international headlining house DJs
Uniting Souls Music presents
DIGGIN' DEEP @ MONKEY LOFT every last Saturday
USM Record-Release Party!
presenting the USA debut of...
COL LAWTON (DeepFix Recordings, UK)
feat. SEN-SEI (SF) Live on keys!
& JAEMUS (San Diego)
Monkey Loft, 2915 1st Ave S, Seattle 21+ 10pm-4am Sign up on our email list for ticket discounts, dj mixes & more: https://www.unitingsoulsmusic.com/
UNITING SOULS MUSIC https://www.beatport.com/label/uniting-souls-music/519 https://www.instagram.com/unitingsoulsmusic/
“UNITING SOULS has contributed to setting standards as to what the Seattle electronic music community has to offer on a local & international level. It is because of organizations like Uniting Souls that Seattle is a favorite stop among touring electronic musicians. With e-mail, smart phones, cheap flights, declining costs in music production, and the explosion of information technology, the face of the global music community is rapidly changing, but it is collectives like Uniting Souls that are evolving right alongside to help define and retain humanness in the often impersonal world we’ve created.” - The Stranger (Seattle’s Largest Weekly)